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Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons in Singapore lack many of the legal rights of non-LGBT residents. Same-sex relationships are not recognized under the law, and adoption of ren by same-sex couples is .
Singapore (/ ˈ s ɪ ŋ (ɡ) ə p ɔːr / ( listen)), officially the Republic of Singapore, is a sovereign city-state and island country in Southeast Asia.It lies one degree (137 kilometres or 85 miles) north of the equator, at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, with Indonesia’s Riau Islands to the south and Peninsular Malaysia to the north. Singapore…
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Four video clips of real Singapore collegeman canings. CLIP 1 OF 4: Five secondary mans are caned for fighting (3 minutes) At a co-educational neighbourhood secondary college in a working-class suburb in 2009, five lads aged perhaps 14 are given one stroke of the cane each in front of their class.
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