In his trip to the Philippines, Pope Francis once again defended marriage, and he again edged closer to a firm, unequivocal papal statement against same-sex “marriage.” As Francis clearly continues to carefully move in that direction, liberals, both secular and non-secular, non-Catholic and
Questions and Answers. Is it okay to have sex before marriage if we plan on marrying in the future? Answer. My manfriend and I have been together for three years.
Does that sound like a loaded question to you? Loaded or not, this is a question that more and more believers are asking — and in all
Online christian marriage workshop gives sex advice for marriage. Having problems with sex in your marriage and get advice from christian marital counseling
After doing this research, some things have become clear. There is a movement within the Orthodox Church in America to mainstream homosexuality.
Though sex may be just another chore for women, this will never be the case for men.This is how men see that the relationship is alive and strong. Why do men care so much about sex?
I’ve heard people say the Bible is not clear on this question. I disagree, and here’s why —
Subscribe to get the 2 page PDF full of questions to help you and your spouse start to talk about your sex life.
A lot of couples I see in my office lately eventually end up sharing that they’re not having sex. Lately, I’m seeing a lot of angry, shut down men.