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Dec 02, 2013 · Last Wednesday, the CDC published a report noting that barebacking, or unprotected anal sex between men, is on the rise, increasing almost 20 percent b
Which isn’t great. So here’s how to make sure your sex toy stash is safe – not only in terms of scary plastics, but in all other regards, too.
Are you worried that sex during pregnancy could harm your baby? Our expert answer can tell you what is and isn’t safe. – BabyCentre UK
See what our expert says about whether it’s safe to use a water-based lubricant during pregnancy sex.
MYTH: You can’t get pregnant the first time you have sex
Men with higher testosterone MORE likely to use safe sex. Insisting on using a condom could feel like riskier option than having unprotected sex
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If you’ve got an exhibitionist streak and you’re feeling strapped for cash then this one’s for you. Coventry University want to film couples between 18 and 25, having sex.