Jul 17, 2016 · Today, we think of Rome as an empire. But in reality, Rome came to dominate the ancient world as a republic then slowly went into decline after its transition to an imperial dictatorship. The Roman Republic was an extraordinary state: bustling, powerful, and seemingly capable of anything. Here are
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Slavery: Slavery, condition in which one human being was owned by another. A slave was considered by law as property, or chattel, and was deprived of most of the rights ordinarily held by free persons.
A 4,000-year-old cuneiform tablet describes an Assyrian couple’s contingency plan for what to do if their marriage didn’t prove to be a fertile one—use a slave surrogate. To the best of the researchers’ knowledge, this tablet is recorded history’s very first mention of infertility. Hierodule
The Roman Empire in AD 117, at its greatest extent at the time of Trajan’s death (with its vassals in pink).
We all know Rome was a weird place. After all, people went everywhere in togas, had sex with their teens and spent their free time watching Russell Crowe fight tigers.
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Sexuality in ancient Rome, and more broadly, sexual attitudes and behaviors in ancient Rome, are indicated by Roman art, literature and inscriptions, and to a lesser extent by archaeological remains such as erotic artifacts and architecture.
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