240-567-8950; esol@montgomerycollege.edu; Adult ESOL & Basic Skills for College and Careers; Montgomery College ; 11002 Veirs Mill Road, Room 210; Wheaton, MD 20902
2018 Spring Semester Schedule of Classes Brochure; Moving Onward and Upward with SUHSD Adult Education – Video; Presentation to Sweetwater college Board on Adult Education
Dr. Patrick Michel, District Superintendent. 2755 State Highway 67 Johnstown, NY 12095 (518) 736-4681
Adult Education Classes. Adult Education Classes are not offered through Montgomery County Public colleges. Please follow the links below to find classes offered in Montgomery County.
Adult Education and Literacy Staff . Adult Education and Literacy Office LSC-Greenspoint Main Phone: 281.260.3576 gcadulted@lonestar.edu 250 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E., Suite 200
The Montgomery County Board of Education voted to approve the 2018-2019 college caelndar. The college year will begin for students on Thursday, August 16, and end on Thursday, May 23.
Contact Jennifer McKinney; Phone 859-499-0760; Email j.mckinney@moreheadstate.edu.; MONTGOMERY County Adult Education provides services such as adult education classes, GED preparation, family literacy instruction, English as a second language classes, workforce education and reading instruction …
Mini-Conference for Adult Education The Adult Literacy Resource Center of the DC Public Library in conjunction with the DC AFLC Best Practices Committee has been hard at work organizing
Honoring Contributions to Special Education. More than 40 students, parents, educators and programs were honored at the 30th Annual Special Education …
GED® Test Preparation Program is for Montgomery County Adults who need to get their High college Diploma. GED® Test Preparation Classes include three levels: Adult Basic Education (ABE) is for those students who need basic skills in reading and math.