Human trafficking: how women and teens are exploited in the sex trade. Though international law and the laws of 158 countries criminalize sex trafficking, it is still legally and socially acceptable to treat women and teens as merchandise in the sex trade.
Take Action. Take action to help end human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation in your lifetime. Learn More; Donate. With your support, CATW can continue to work internationally to strengthen our regional partners to combat human trafficking.
The Feminist Majority Foundation works for social and political and economic equality for women by using research and education to improve women’s lives. The Feminist Majority Foundation Online features daily feminist news with ‘take action’ ideas, domestic and sexual assault hotlines, a feminist career center, information on feminism
Oct 31, 2017 · Sr. Joan Dawber is the founder and executive director of LifeWay Network, an organization in the New York City metropolitan area that provides secure housing for survivors of both labor and sex trafficking.
Sex trafficking is a form of modern slavery in which someone coerces or deceives another person into commercial sex exploitation for profit. Any sold for sex is considered a victim of sex trafficking by nature of their age. Simply, it is sexual as a business. The nightmare of forced
1 PREFACE Since the last Global Report on Trafficking in Persons in 2014 there have been a number of significant develop-ments that …
Global Incident Map Displaying Terrorist Acts, Suspicious Activity, and General Terrorism News
Global Human Trafficking Statistics Human Trafficking Statistics. Here is a proportional chart showing the severity of human trafficking globally. 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year.
SOURCES: 1. While some statistics exist on sex trafficking, more accurate and comprehensive research is still needed 2. 2016 UNODC Global Trafficking in …
1 PREFACE Human trafficking is a crime that ruthlessly exploits women, ren and men for numerous purposes includ-ing forced labour and sex.