“Squirrel Jokes” is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season two. In this episode, SpongeBob tells squirrel jokes, offending Sandy. The Krusty Krab has begun a nightly event called the "Komedy Krab," featuring some …
Political Jokes selected from the late night talk shows of Jay Leno, David Letterman and others.
See TOP 10 Yo mama jokes from collection of 975 jokes rated by visitors. The funniest Yo mama jokes only!
Plot. Jimmy works on writing jokes for his comedy routine while Cartman sits on his couch, eating potato chips. Jimmy comes up with a joke with almost no assistance from Cartman (he only helped Jimmy originate the joke by telling Jimmy he was hungry for something more substantial than fruit, and Jimmy suggested there might be some fishsticks …
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Banned Family Guy Scene Gotta be one of the best scenes from Family Guy i’ve seen, so true, so honest, so Family Guy! 19561 Views
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Army medals out, Gay Pride badges in, and theft blamed on badgers to cut crime rates: How political correctness is crippling my police force . Writing anonymously, for very obvious reasons, a police inspector reveals to the Mail how the force he loves is being crippled by political correctness and the (often dishonest) pursuit of government targets