Learn a new skill or hobby, or get a new qualification to help you in your career development by studying at one of our adult education classes.
Manchester Adult Education Service (MAES) landing page . Was this page helpful? Yes; It’s good but Please select a reason
The Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education is the state’s coordinating board for higher education.
CAEL is a nonprofit working at all levels in higher education, government, and business making it easier for people to get the education and training they need.
Visit the post for more. We are in the process of merging our organizations. Looking for NAEPDC? Click here.
Adult and community education. Get the best from this site. We would like to place cookies on your computer to help us make this website better.
The American Council on Education (ACE) is the nation’s most influential, respected, and visible higher education association. ACE represent the presidents of U.S. accredited degree-granting institutions, which include two- and four-year colleges, private
Why seek a technical education? A degree in technical education offers a number of benefits for parents and students alike because the …
THE INNOVATION LEADER IN EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT. CLA+/CWRA+, measuring critical thinking with real-world performance tasks; Test development solutions—innovation, responsiveness, & excellence
Proud Partner: Some 55,000+ adult education leaders stand united in a national campaign to educate America about the importance of Adult Education in advancing career and college readiness for millions of people.