Is it true..what they say that “once you go black you never go back”? im a white wife and mother of 3 and ive only cheated on my husband like 5 times in 11 years but all with white men and it was never a big deal but only about having a little side fun and it never did anything but make my sexlife at home alot better.
Is it true..what they say that “once you go black you never go back”? im a white wife and mother of 3 and ive only cheated on my husband like 5 times in 11 years but all with white men and it was never a big deal but only about having a little side fun and it never did anything but make my sexlife at home alot better.
Is it true..what they say that “once you go black you never go back”? im a white wife and mother of 3 and ive only cheated on my husband like 5 times in 11 years but all with white men and it was never a big deal but only about having a little side fun and it never did anything but make my sexlife at home alot better.
Is it true..what they say that “once you go black you never go back”? im a white wife and mother of 3 and ive only cheated on my husband like 5 times in 11 years but all with white men and it was never a big deal but only about having a little side fun and it never did anything but make my sexlife at home alot better.