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Teen Ink, a national teen magazine, book series, and website devoted entirely to teenage writing, art, photos and forums. Students must be age 13-19 to participate, register and/or submit work.

Transgender teen, 17, who was beaten and tormented by bullies as a man now dreams of becoming a model after transitioning into a beautiful – and confident – woman

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Oct 03, 2006 · Two days after her arrest for allegedly helping her ex-con manfriend torture and kill a Michigan couple, Samantha Bachynski told police there was a time when she would have done anything for him.

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It was the stuff of Hollywood, but it was real. Senior Jason McElwain had been the manager of the varsity basketball team of Greece Athena High college in Rochester, N.Y. McElwain, who’s autistic, was added to the roster by coach Jim Johnson so he could be given a jersey and get to sit on the bench