Seven of eight women (84%) think their man’s penis is just fine.
What women want as far as penis size is concerned
And as Amy Muise says in Supersize Me: Does Penis Size Matter to Women? Researchers have also explored how women feel about their partner’s penis size. Most women rated their partner’s penis size as average (67%), about a quarter rated their partner’s penis as large (27%), and a few women rated their partner’s penis as small …
Forget about tissue engineering and chocolate sculptures. 3D printing has finally achieved its true purpose: helping scientists discover the size and shape of the perfect penis.
What do women think about penis size? And does it really make any difference to sex?: Penis size. Does it really make any difference to …
What Is the Average Penis Size? Science Has the Answer. Though most women say size doesn’t matter, it’s still nice to know how you stack up.
The penis on this male has caught the attention of many females.
Andrew Wardle may have slept with over a hundred women in his home city of Manchester but the 40 is to reveal to friends and family in a new documentary that he doesn’t actually have a penis. TLC’s show entitled The Man With No Penis will see Andrew open up about his rare medical
Penis envy (German: Penisneid) is a stage theorized by Sigmund Freud regarding female psychosexual development, in which teens experience anxiety upon realization that they do not have a penis.