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Why do men look at hundreds or thousands of porn images in a sitting? Neuroscience explains why men binge on porn.
According to a recent survey by the Barna Group, 21% of Christian men say they have thought they were “addicted” to porn or said they weren’t sure. This is more than two times what non-Christian men said (10%).
Last month, retired porn star Cytherea was the victim of a brutal gang at her home in Las Vegas.According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, three teenage suspects, two of them s, broke into the house, robbed Cytherea and her family at gunpoint, and d her while her ren were present.
What’s with men and their porn addiction? Ever wondered why men watch porn the way they do? Well, here’s an explanation that’ll put your mind at ease.
In the end, porn doesn’t whet men’s appetites — it turns them off the real thing.
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I get this email from Mary, or Maria, or Mishti every single week. The questions and themes are remarkably consistent: * Why do men watch porn?
Ever wonder why married men masturbate? Is sex not enough? Why do they do it? I think there are three main reasons at the center of all solo masturbation.
Do men commit adultery more than women? And is infidelity just about sex? Here’s a look at why men cheat and how to deal with it.