Androgyny is the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics. Usually used to describe characters or persons who have no specific gender, gender ambiguity may also be found in fashion, gender identity, sexual identity, or sexual lifestyle.
Advances in Consumer Research Volume 12, 1985 Pages 231-237. A STUDY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL GENDER DIFFERENCES: APPLICATIONS FOR ADVERTISING FORMAT. Ved Prakash, Florida International University
Open Sex Role Inventory. This is an interactive version of the Open Sex Role Inventory, a measure of masculinity and femininity modelled on the Bem Sex Role Inventory.
Gender differences are always a popular subject among psychology students and in the general population. The well-known social psychologist Sandara Bem (1944-2014) developed a sex role inventory to measure different aspects of hypothesized psychological gender traits.
Discover frequently performed psychological tests. Mind Garden’s psychological testing and assessment tools cover a variety of topics, including leadership, anxiety and stress, burnout, and self-understanding.
Bem Sex-Role Inventory: Bem Sex-Role Inventory, test used to measure a person’s femininity and masculinity.
The following is a complete list of tests reviewed in the Mental Measurements Yearbook series, from the 9th MMY (1985) through the present.Click here for ordering information.
Sandra Ruth Lipsitz Bem (June 22, 1944 – May 20, 2014) was an American psychologist known for her works in androgyny and gender studies.Her pioneering work on gender roles, gender polarization and gender stereotypes led directly to more equal employment opportunities for women in the United States.
About us: This database is an ongoing project of the Library & Information staff at the Alcohol and Drug Institute, University of Washington.
The feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s drastically changed gender expectations in America, opening the door for women to explore new careers—careers once available exclusively to men.